

You need specialized business solutions - we can make it real TOGETHER.

Working with skilled worker from abroad


If you work with skilled workers from other countries due to LMIA or temporary work permit, entering the country and getting the work permit is not the end of the story! Often your foreign workers need a strong immigration support when they arrive and afterwards. Without support it is hard for them to focus on work and get all things done. 


- getting a SIN No

- support with income tax declaration

- expand the DL

- register for BC Medical Service Plan

- register for child benefits (if eligible)

- get familiar with the culture, understand the idioms 

- finding a doctor, how and where to find special services


We can help your workers with this processes and provide support, checklists etc., so that your workers can successful focus on their work and do not have to investigate many hours for solutions or become concerned about what to do.

Strategic planning and finance


Sometimes it is hard to start budgeting. You need to consider so many things, but a proper budget can make the difference. A successful business starts with proper planning and budgeting. We help you with this! 

Professional and taylored


We support you with all kind of contracts: 

Whether project-related, employment contracts or customer contracts. We create secure and customized contracts you need for your work, and to start a good project.